Whether you're finding today or any other day difficult, we can always turn to our gardens and nature to find solace, motivation and hope. So, whether it's Blue Monday or not, here are our top three tips on how to turn any day, green!
1. Go for a walk in nature - no matter what the weather is like, wrap up warm and put your wellies on to go for a walk. Make sure you wander amongst the trees, absorbing the fresh air all around. Don’t forget to look up at the canopy and appreciate the magnificence of trees. Nature walks or 'forest bathing' is proven to lower stress levels and ease anxiety.
2. Sow some seeds of hope - 'To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow'. When times are tough, sowing seeds or planting flowers gives you something to look after, be responsible for and have hope for the future as you nurture and watch your garden grow. Why not get started with some spring bulbs or seed potatoes? Both are perfect for planting now! Shop here.
3. Fill your home with greenery - Maybe you don't have a garden or some days the rain keeps you indoors, in that case, fill your home with house plants! Houseplants bring so much joy, from the responsibility of looking after something, to the aesthetically pleasing aspect and the toxins cleaned from the air. They give so much, so why not treat yourself today to a new houseplant of your dreams? We've plenty available that we can deliver to your door. See here.